The six biggest deal breakers for buyers

Category Expert Insight

In a competitive buyer's market, sellers need to ensure they put their best foot forward and present the best property that will stand out among other listings. An unattractive property means you are helping other sellers as buyers will simply move on to other properties on the market.

Buyers need every advantage now to ensure they do not miss out on the good wave of buyer interest according to the Seeff Property Group. Sellers are often unaware that the way they present their property has a tremendous impact on how well it will be received by the market. By avoiding common mistakes they can ensure there is nothing that can put potential purchasers off.

Seeff highlights the six biggest deal breakers for buyers which make it more difficult to sell:

#1 Poor kerb appeal
First impressions are vital as buyers usually make up their mind within a minute of seeing your home. Ensure the garden is neat, the lawn mowed, and flower beds weeded, paths and the paving clean and clear away any rubbish. Bins should be out of sight. The front entrance should be clean and freshly painted to create a welcoming atmosphere.

#2 Bad maintenance
Visible cracks, broken cupboard doors, missing handles, broken tiles are all very off-putting and give the buyer a reason to walk away or look for a price discount, often quite substantial. Ensure the property is painted and that all walls are clean. Fix cracks and any other broken, damaged or poorly working items. Pay particular attention to the kitchen, bathrooms, wardrobes, doors and floors.

#3 Poor light and clutter
Dark and dingy is always off-putting. Try to let in as much natural light as possible or put lights on during viewings. Less is always more when it comes to selling, both inside and outside. Pack away any personal items including photographs and keep displays and ornaments to a minimum. Clutter makes your home seem smaller and can be difficult for buyers to see past.

#4 Bad smells and boisterous pets
It is not just about the visual impact but unpleasant smells, especially from pets and smoking are an instant put off. Ensure you air out the property properly before any viewing. Remember, not all buyers are animal lovers, so keep your pets out of sight during viewings. Carpets, curtains and soft furnishings retain smells, so be sure to have these cleaned before viewings.

#5 Extravagant or old fixtures and fittings
Unless you are selling a "fixer upper", outdated fixtures could be deterring. Buyers are more amenable to paying a higher price for a home with up to date fixtures and features. Off-putting features include old fashioned lighting, brightly coloured bathrooms and outdated kitchens. Extravagant customised features can also be overbearing. Keep your home modern and functional.

#6 Sellers who show you round
There is nothing more off-putting than an overbearing seller. This can make buyers uncomfortable and lead to them rushing through the property. It is always advisable to leave show days and house viewings up to the agent who is experienced at showing buyers around. If you want to highlight any specific features, be sure to do that during the initial brief to the agent.

Author: Gina Meinjies

Submitted 17 Feb 21 / Views 2092